The effectiveness of an injectable treatment is dependent on patient cooperation. Please review the following guidelines in planning your next injectable treatment:
Before Treatment
- It is important to plan your appointments at least 2 weeks prior to events, but longer is preferred for more important events.
- Notify your injector if you have ever had other injectable or surgical treatments performed in the treated area.
- To minimize the risk of bruising, avoid the following medications for 7-10 days prior to treatment:
- Aspirin
- Ibuprofen (Motrin/Advil) and other NSAIDS for 7-10 days prior to treatment.
- Vitamin E, fish oil, evening primrose oil
- Do NOT stop medically necessary blood thinners without consulting with your PCP.
- Viral illness has been shown to increase the risk of filler complications such as granulomas and nodules, so it is recommended that you postpone your appointment if you are not feeling well, but especially if you are febrile.
- Please arrive to your visit free of makeup.
- Injections are contraindicated at the site of any active infection or inflammatory process.
After Treatment:
- Swelling is expected after injectable treatments and despite slow, cautious injection, bruising is possible and may run the normal course of a bruise (7-10 days). Ice may be used intermittently during the first 24 hours following the procedure to minimize severity. Elevate your head overnight to reduce the risk of swelling.
- Mild tenderness and discomfort during facial movement are expected, but pain while at rest may be a sign of a complication (see below).
- Avoid exercise for 4 hours after toxin treatment and 24-48 hours after filler.
- Avoid makeup for 4 hours after toxin treatment and 12 hours after filler.
- You may gently cleanse your face after treatment, but do not rub or manipulate treated areas. For lip filler, avoid kissing for 24-28 hours.
- Do not lay flat on your face for 24 hours after your injectable treatment.
Please call the office IMMEDIATELY if you experience any of the following after your filler treatment: Mottling of the skin, bruising that is associated with severe pain at rest or bruising that occurs away from the injection site.
Please don’t hesitate to call our office at (203) 303-7170 if you have any questions or concerns.