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Vaginal Rejuvenation : Changing women’s lives

As women age, it is common to experience changes in feminine health. Are you struggling with issues such as reduced tissue strength, incontinence, dryness, and change in appearance? With the help of the advanced technology in Votiva, these concerns can be safely and effectively treated. 

Votiva: A breakthrough in women’s medicine

Gabrielle Pino, PA-C

Is vaginal rejuvenation comfortable and safe?

Your comfort and safety are always a priority at Privá MedSpa. We ensure that the procedures we perform are safe and as non-invasive as possible. We offer a private, discreet treatment with Votiva, to restore aging, stretched, or damaged vaginal tissues. 

Non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation

Modern aesthetic technology has led to the development of new approaches for the restoration of the strength of vaginal tissues, giving women the opportunity to enhance the area without undergoing a surgical procedure. Votiva treatments involve the use of a specialized wand delivery system that emits energy to the tissues, triggering natural collagen growth. The results of this treatment are noticeable, with vaginal tissues becoming stronger, more resilient, and tighter, along with an increase in natural lubrication, and a reduction in urinary stress.

There are two options you we offer:

  • The exterior treatment tightens the labia minora, plumps your labia majora, and restores healthy blood flow into those areas for a more youthful appearance.
  • The interior treatment triggers natural collagen growth in the vaginal walls, causing the area to tighten and firm, restoring natural lubrication and reducing embarrassing cases of incontinence.

Feel more comfortable and confident with our custom vaginal rejuvenation from a provider who understands the challenges women face. Under the direction of Gabrielle Pino, you can be assured that your procedure will be performed carefully and correctly. Concerns about vaginal health are a very private matter, and at Privá MedSpa, we ensure that your treatment is performed in complete privacy and discretion. 

Your Health and Safety Matters to us. 

Before your Vaginal Rejuvenation treatment, we ask our patients to check off any of these that apply, and sign and date a comprehensive medical history form.

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